Title: usb-modeswitch.tcz Description: Activating Switchable USB Devices Version: 2.0.1 Author: Josua Dietze Original-site: http://www.draisberghof.de/usb-modeswitch Copying-policy: GPL-2 Size: 36K Extension_by: jlslegalize@gmail.com Tags: Activating Switchable USB Devices Comments: Extensions build system is tc-ext-tools Change-log: 2010/06/11 First Version 1.1.2 2011/01/21 updated to 1.1.6 2011/03/08 updated to 1.1.7 2011/10/26 updated to 1.2.0 2012/01/04 Updated to 1.2.1 2012/02/22 Updated to 1.2.3 2012/08/13 Updated to 1.2.4 2012/11/13 Updated to 1.2.5 2013/06/27 Updated to 1.2.6 Current: 2013/09/05 Updated to 2.0.1