Title: sprunge_script.tcz Description: no paste script Version: ? Author: shell.person Original-site: http://www.shellperson.net/sprunge-pastebin-script/ Copying-policy: ? Size: 4.0K Extension_by: vinnie Tags: no paste script Comments: ---------------------------------------------- The command is "sprunge" or "nopaste" (symlink) I quote the text of the blog where I found this script: "I discovered the scripting-friendly pastebin http://sprunge.us a few days ago via One Thing Well. It's extremely convenient to use, but in my laziness I've tried to make it even easier. Here is a script that will upload to sprunge and return the URL. It accepts piped data, STDIN redirection, filenames as arguments, and text strings as arguments. EDIT: while using the script, I just realized that using either form of STDIN input (pipe or redirection) will treat tabs as spaces. While this will occasionally break code, it will almost always make it less legible. So, if you need to preserve tab whitespace, I suggest using a filename as an argument to the script (e.g. sprunge myscript.txt). (Click "show source")" "So, for example, any of the following commands would work (I cleverly named the script "sprunge" and put it in my $PATH): ls -lA | sprunge cat .bashrc | sprunge sprunge < .bashrc sprunge .bashrc sprunge 'if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then echo "everything after the word sprunge will be uploaded as a text string"; fi' ## note that the last line needs to be surrounded by single quotes, because of the semicolons. And here's the short description and usage (which is included above, but maybe more readable here): DESCRIPTION Upload data and fetch URL from the pastebin http://sprunge.us USAGE ./sprunge filename.txt ./sprunge text string ./sprunge < filename.txt piped_data | ./sprunge NOTES ---------------------------------------------- * INPUT METHODS * ./sprunge can accept piped data, STDIN redirection [